Wednesday, April 11, 2012


My family would say this is my speciality, but that title is saved for my brownies. These are my favorite thing to make for dinner. I mean, you can put almost anything in a bun, so they're flexible. Now lets see if I can actually coherently explain how to construct them.

In a mixing bowl, measure 4 TBLSP. yeast and 1 TBLSP. sugar. Pour into that 4 cups warm-hot water. Let it sit there for like 1-2 minutes. To that, add 2/3 cup sugar and 2/3 cup cooking oil. You don't really have to mix that part, I feel like it kills the yeast but you just do whatever floats your boat. To that, add 9-10 cups flour. I like to take the dough out of the mixer after 8 cups and knead the rest in.
After you knead it and let it rest for 1/2 hour, roll the dough out and use a mason jar to cut it into buns. I used to have this huge cup that I cup them out with but somebody hid it or something :( Mason jars are okay, but if you can find something a little bigger thats cool. place 12 on each greased cookie sheet and brush tops with egg wash. Sprinkle each individual bun with grated cheese and chopped green onion. You can use whatever you like, I use the green onion to irritate my little brothers, and it smells amazing when they're cooking. (The buns, not my little brothers)
Bake for 17-20 minutes or until the bottoms are golden brown. After they cool I like to slice them open with an electric knife so they're ready to eat. Be careful with the knife, it can hurt if you cut your hand. Just sayin.

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